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Configure database backups

Console (UI)

When deploying to cloud providers (such as AWS, GCP, Azure) using the Console UI, the storage bucket and backups with pgBackRest are automatically configured.


This is not yet implemented for DigitalOcean and Hetzner Cloud due to the following reasons:

  • DigitalOcean: Requires the Spaces access keys "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" and "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY". The ability to specify these keys is planned for future UI releases.
  • Hetzner Cloud: Currently does not provide S3 storage. Therefore, manual configuration is required (e.g., connecting to a dedicated PgBackRest server).
  • Backup schedule: Full backups every Sunday at 3:00 AM; differential backups Monday through Saturday at 3:00 AM.
  • Backup retention: 4 full backups (1 month).
  • Config path: /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
  • Log path: /var/log/pgbackrest
  • Cron job path: /etc/cron.d/pgbackrest-<cluster_name>

Changing the backup configuration through the UI is not yet implemented.


If you're interested in this feature, please consider becoming a sponsor.

Command line


When deploying to cloud providers (cloud_provider variable) such as AWS, GCP, Azure, the storage bucket and backups with pgBackRest are automatically configured, controlled by the pgbackrest_auto_conf variable (specify false if you prefer to manually configure the backup).

The following backup tools are supported:


pgBackRest documentation: Configuration Reference

To use pgBackRest, specify the pgbackrest_install: true variable.

Examples of configuration variables:

pgbackrest config ("posix" ssh mode)
# An example of a configuration using a dedicated backup server (via ssh)

pgbackrest_install: true
pgbackrest_install_from_pgdg_repo: true
pgbackrest_stanza: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}" # stanza name
pgbackrest_repo_type: "posix"
pgbackrest_repo_host: "" # change this value
pgbackrest_repo_user: "postgres"
pgbackrest_conf_file: "/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf"
global: # [global] section
- { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
- { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
- { option: "repo1-host", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_host }}" }
- { option: "repo1-host-user", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_user }}" }
- { option: "repo1-path", value: "/var/lib/pgbackrest" } # the path to the backup directory on the backup server
- { option: "spool-path", value: "/var/spool/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "archive-async", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-get-queue-max", value: "1GiB" }
# - { option: "archive-push-queue-max", value: "100GiB" }
stanza: # [stanza_name] section
- { option: "process-max", value: "4" }
- { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
- { option: "recovery-option", value: "recovery_target_action=promote" }
- { option: "pg1-socket-path", value: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_dir }}" }
- { option: "pg1-path", value: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}" }
# dedicated backup server config
- { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
- { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
- { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-path", value: "/var/lib/pgbackrest" } # the path to the backup directory
- { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
- { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
- { option: "archive-check", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-copy", value: "n" }
- { option: "repo1-bundle", value: "y" }
- { option: "repo1-block", value: "y" }
- { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
- { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
- { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
- { option: "resume", value: "n" }
- { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" }
- { option: "process-max", value: "2" }
# the stanza section will be generated automatically

pgbackrest_archive_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-push %p"

Additionally specify the IP address of the backup server (in this example "") in the inventory in the "pgbackrest" group.

pgbackrest config (Minio S3)
# An example of a configuration using S3 (Minio)

pgbackrest_install: true
pgbackrest_install_from_pgdg_repo: true
pgbackrest_stanza: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}" # stanza name
pgbackrest_repo_type: "s3"
pgbackrest_repo_host: ""
pgbackrest_repo_user: ""
pgbackrest_conf_file: "/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf"
global: # [global] section
- { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
- { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
- { option: "repo1-path", value: "/pgbackrest" } # logical path in bucket
- { option: "repo1-s3-endpoint", value: "https://YOUR_MINIO_ADDRESS" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-key", value: "YOUR_MINIO_S3_KEY" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-key-secret", value: "YOUR_MINIO_S3_KEY_SECRET" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-bucket", value: "YOUR_MINIO_BUCKET" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-region", value: "eu-west-3" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-uri-style", value: "path" }
- { option: "repo1-s3-verify-tls", value: "n" }
- { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
- { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
- { option: "archive-check", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-copy", value: "n" }
- { option: "archive-async", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-get-queue-max", value: "1GiB" }
# - { option: "archive-push-queue-max", value: "100GiB" }
- { option: "spool-path", value: "/var/spool/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-bundle", value: "y" }
- { option: "repo1-block", value: "y" }
- { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
- { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
- { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
- { option: "resume", value: "n" }
- { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" } # when set to 'y', standby servers will be automatically added to the stanza section.
- { option: "process-max", value: "2" }
stanza: # [stanza_name] section
- { option: "process-max", value: "4" }
- { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
- { option: "recovery-option", value: "recovery_target_action=promote" }
- { option: "pg1-socket-path", value: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_dir }}" }
- { option: "pg1-path", value: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}" }

pgbackrest_archive_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-push %p"
pgbackrest config (AWS S3)
# An example of a configuration using AWS S3

pgbackrest_install: true
pgbackrest_install_from_pgdg_repo: true
pgbackrest_stanza: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}" # stanza name
pgbackrest_repo_type: "s3"
pgbackrest_repo_host: ""
pgbackrest_repo_user: ""
pgbackrest_conf_file: "/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf"
global: # [global] section
- { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
- { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
- { option: "repo1-path", value: "/pgbackrest" } # logical path in bucket
- { option: "repo1-s3-key", value: "YOUR_AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-key-secret", value: "YOUR_AWS_S3_SECRET_KEY" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-bucket", value: "YOUR_BUCKET_NAME" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-endpoint", value: "" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-s3-region", value: "us-east-1" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
- { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
- { option: "archive-check", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-copy", value: "n" }
- { option: "archive-async", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-get-queue-max", value: "1GiB" }
# - { option: "archive-push-queue-max", value: "100GiB" }
- { option: "spool-path", value: "/var/spool/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-bundle", value: "y" }
- { option: "repo1-block", value: "y" }
- { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
- { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
- { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
- { option: "resume", value: "n" }
- { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" } # when set to 'y', standby servers will be automatically added to the stanza section.
- { option: "process-max", value: "2" }
stanza: # [stanza_name] section
- { option: "process-max", value: "4" }
- { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
- { option: "recovery-option", value: "recovery_target_action=promote" }
- { option: "pg1-socket-path", value: "/var/run/postgresql" }
- { option: "pg1-path", value: "/var/lib/postgresql/data" }

pgbackrest_archive_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-push %p"
pgbackrest config (GCS)
# An example of a configuration using GCS

pgbackrest_install: true
pgbackrest_install_from_pgdg_repo: true
pgbackrest_stanza: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}" # stanza name
pgbackrest_repo_type: "gcs"
pgbackrest_repo_host: ""
pgbackrest_repo_user: ""
pgbackrest_conf_file: "/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf"
global: # [global] section
- { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
- { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
- { option: "repo1-path", value: "/pgbackrest" } # logical path in bucket
- { option: "repo1-gcs-key", value: "{{ postgresql_home_dir }}/gcs-key.json" } # change this value (path to GCS service account key file)
- { option: "repo1-gcs-bucket", value: "YOUR_BUCKET_NAME" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
- { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
- { option: "archive-check", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-copy", value: "n" }
- { option: "archive-async", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-get-queue-max", value: "1GiB" }
# - { option: "archive-push-queue-max", value: "100GiB" }
- { option: "spool-path", value: "/var/spool/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-bundle", value: "y" }
- { option: "repo1-block", value: "y" }
- { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
- { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
- { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
- { option: "resume", value: "n" }
- { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" } # when set to 'y', standby servers will be automatically added to the stanza section.
- { option: "process-max", value: "2" }
stanza: # [stanza_name] section
- { option: "process-max", value: "4" }
- { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
- { option: "recovery-option", value: "recovery_target_action=promote" }
- { option: "pg1-socket-path", value: "/var/run/postgresql" }
- { option: "pg1-path", value: "/var/lib/postgresql/data" }

pgbackrest_archive_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-push %p"
pgbackrest config (Azure Blob Storage)
# An example of a configuration using Azure Blob Storage

pgbackrest_install: true
pgbackrest_install_from_pgdg_repo: true
pgbackrest_stanza: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}" # stanza name
pgbackrest_repo_type: "azure"
pgbackrest_repo_host: ""
pgbackrest_repo_user: ""
pgbackrest_conf_file: "/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf"
global: # [global] section
- { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
- { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
- { option: "repo1-path", value: "/pgbackrest" } # logical path in Azure Blob container
- { option: "repo1-azure-key", value: "YOUR_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-azure-key-type", value: "shared" } # key type: 'shared' or 'sas'
- { option: "repo1-azure-account", value: "YOUR_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-azure-container", value: "YOUR_AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER" } # change this value
- { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
- { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
- { option: "archive-check", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-copy", value: "n" }
- { option: "archive-async", value: "y" }
- { option: "archive-get-queue-max", value: "1GiB" }
# - { option: "archive-push-queue-max", value: "100GiB" }
- { option: "spool-path", value: "/var/spool/pgbackrest" }
- { option: "repo1-bundle", value: "y" }
- { option: "repo1-block", value: "y" }
- { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
- { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
- { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
- { option: "resume", value: "n" }
- { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" } # when set to 'y', standby servers will be automatically added to the stanza section.
- { option: "process-max", value: "2" }
stanza: # [stanza_name] section
- { option: "process-max", value: "4" }
- { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
- { option: "recovery-option", value: "recovery_target_action=promote" }
- { option: "pg1-socket-path", value: "/var/run/postgresql" }
- { option: "pg1-path", value: "/var/lib/postgresql/data" }

pgbackrest_archive_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-push %p"
cron jobs config
# By default, the cron jobs is created on the database server.
# If 'repo_host' is defined, the cron jobs will be created on the pgbackrest server.
- name: "pgBackRest: Full Backup"
file: "/etc/cron.d/pgbackrest-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
user: "postgres"
minute: "00"
hour: "3"
day: "*"
month: "*"
weekday: "0"
job: "if [ $(psql -tAXc 'select pg_is_in_recovery()') = 'f' ]; then pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=full backup; fi"
- name: "pgBackRest: Diff Backup"
file: "/etc/cron.d/pgbackrest-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
user: "postgres"
minute: "00"
hour: "3"
day: "*"
month: "*"
weekday: "1-6"
job: "if [ $(psql -tAXc 'select pg_is_in_recovery()') = 'f' ]; then pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=diff backup; fi"