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Restore and Cloning

Console (UI)

Restoring a cluster from backup (PITR) through the UI is not yet implemented.


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Command line

You can restore your PostgreSQL Cluster in place (Point-In-Time Recovery), which is useful for recovering an existing cluster, or create a new cluster from a backup (Cloning), which involves creating a new cluster based on an existing backup.

The following backup tools are supported:

Whether you want to restore the current cluster or perform cloning, you will need to configure the pgBackRest parameters to access the backups.


You can find examples of pgbackrest configurations in the Backup section.

Additionally, define the following required variables for the restore process:

patroni_cluster_bootstrap_method: "pgbackrest"
- pgbackrest
- basebackup

- { option: "command", value: "{{ pgbackrest_patroni_cluster_restore_command }}" }
- { option: "keep_data", value: "True" }
- { option: "no_params", value: "True" }
- { option: "max-rate", value: "1000M" }
- { option: "checkpoint", value: "fast" }
postgresql_restore_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-get %f %p"

To restore the cluster from last backup (including all WALs):

'/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --delta restore'

Recovery may error unless --type=immediate is specified. This is because after consistency is reached PostgreSQL will flag zeroed pages as errors even for a full-page write. For PostgreSQL ≥ 13 the ignore_invalid_pages setting may be used to ignore invalid pages. In this case it is important to check the logs after recovery to ensure that no invalid pages were reported in the selected databases.

Or, to restore the cluster from last backup (immediate):

# This parameter specifies that recovery should end as soon as a consistent state is reached, i.e., as early as possible.
# When restoring from an online backup, this means the point where taking the backup ended.
'/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=immediate --delta restore'

Or, to restore the cluster to specific time (PITR):

# Restore to 2024-08-19 03:02:07.322658+00
'/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=time "--target=2024-08-19 03:02:07.322658+00" --delta restore'

The recovery steps that automation will perform:

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  1. Stop patroni service on the Replica servers;
  2. Stop patroni service on the Master server;
  3. Remove patroni cluster from DCS;
  4. Run "/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza=<stanza_name> --delta restore" on Master;
  5. Run "/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza=<stanza_name> --delta restore" on Replica;
    • Note: if 'pgbackrest' in 'patroni_create_replica_methods' variable.
  6. Waiting for restore from backup;
    • Note: timeout 24 hours.
  7. Start PostgreSQL for Recovery;
  8. Waiting for PostgreSQL Recovery to complete (WAL apply);
  9. Stop PostgreSQL instance (if running);
  10. Disable PostgreSQL archive_command (if enabled);
    • Note: if 'disable_archive_command' variable is 'true'.
  11. Start patroni service on the Master server;
  12. Check PostgreSQL is started and accepting connections on Master;
  13. Make sure the PostgreSQL users (superuser and replication) are present;
    • and password does not differ from the specified in vars/main.yml.
  14. Update PostgreSQL authentication parameter in patroni.yml
    • Note: if superuser or replication users is changed.
  15. Start patroni service on Replica servers;
  16. Check that the patroni is healthy on the replica server;
    • Note: timeout 10 hours.
  17. Check PostgreSQL Cluster health (finish).


To restore the current cluster (PITR) run the following command:

ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml -t point_in_time_recovery -e "disable_archive_command=false"

We set disable_archive_command to false so as not to disable archive_command after the restore.


To clone the cluster run the following command:

ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml -e "disable_archive_command=true" -e "keep_patroni_dynamic_json=false"

We set disable_archive_command to true to disable the archive_command after the restore. This is necessary to prevent conflicts in the archived log storage when multiple clusters attempt to archive WALs to the same storage.

We also set keep_patroni_dynamic_json to false to remove the patroni.dynamic.json file after the restore. This ensures that the new parameters specified in vars/main.yml are applied, rather than restoring the cluster with the parameters used when the backup was created.